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I’m Krystyna, Co-Founder of My People Club, a vibrant and unique community for people working in HR, Coaching & Training.

We’re set to fill the gaping hole that currently exists when it comes to getting everything you need in one place!

An online community and learning platform, MyPeopleClub is packed with all the stuff we wish we’d had access to during our careers. It’s totally designed to make your life easier while also being interesting and educational, so make sure you check us out!

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When I first started out in HR, I didn’t have a HR Manager or Director above me. I had to find things out for myself, research the best way to do things and I had no one to bounce ideas and questions off. There were the CIPD and ACAS websites that you could use for reference, but there was no one place you could get everything you needed – even now when I look for things, there’s still no one place people can turn to, which is what gave me the idea for MyPeopleClub.

Along with James, the other Co-Founder of the business, our mission is to build a strong community and support network for others in the industry – a place where you will not only have access to template documents, policies, coaching/training modules, (and much, much more), but you will also have access to experts and businesses across a great variety of fields in order to help and support you with all the things you need to succeed!

In addition, you will also have access to monthly masterclasses, live Q&A’s, and interviews. We’re so proud and excited to be spearheading this new and vibrant community, and even more so as charity work will play a large part of this new business with a portion of membership subscriptions going straight to charity. Giving back is so important and we feel strongly about supporting the wider community with fundraising initiatives as part of this new venture.

Between James and I, using over 40 years’ experience between the two of us in working with people, we are committed to helping others succeed by using the knowledge, insights and experience we have gained over the years to do this. However, it’s not just all about us! As part of this community, our hope is that members will support, encourage and help each other. A collaborative and community approach is so much more helpful than everyone working alone or in their own little bubbles and we want to grow the most supportive network in our industry. We do hope you’ll join our mission and become part of the MyPeopleClub adventure!

All the Best,


Find out more at:  www.mypeopleclub.com

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With special thanks to Bruntwood.

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Find out more at:  www.mypeopleclub.com

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