Latest HR News

Following the pandemic, we’re seeing reports on an almost daily basis of skilled labour shortages. This month it’s been the travel industry at the forefront, with reports of huge disruption to airport and ferry terminals, as the travel industry saw a revival for Easter getaways. Anyone see the pictures of Manchester airport queues? Eek!

It’s not surprising news given the travel and tourism industry was one of the most affected by the pandemic, as travel of any kind halted immediately. Skilled and experienced workers were furloughed and had time to consider their options, many choosing to retire or leave and reconsider their career paths. As the industry opens back up, more and more shortages are being felt. 

With reports from previous employees hitting the news that the long hours, unsociable hours, and poor pay and conditions forced them to leave the roles and industry – how do travel firms look to attract new talent into these vacancies? 

Like with many industries, it all starts with engagement; creating an engaging environment with fair pay and conditions for employees is essential. Not only to retain the staff you have already but in attracting new ones into the business. 

An engaged team means a more positive and pleasant working environment for all.

Sometimes it takes a little more creative thinking when it comes to recruitment, it’s not always about the qualifications and experience, although they’re a good starting point for many. Remember to also look at how the person will fit in with your existing team, getting the balance right in the team allows for more collaboration and higher performance.

Recruitment can be an expensive process if not approached correctly, taking time now to really understand who you need to grow your team is worth the investment. The pandemic has highlighted the fact that employees now demand more from their role than just money. There is a demand now from companies to provide a more rounded experience to include things like flexibility, additional benefits, and a work-life balance.  Does your company address these points? Food for thought!