Are you 2023 Resilient?
Entering a new year can be overwhelming, leaving you tired and frustrated. All the things you want to do this year, all those goals have been set… but where to start?
I’ve been there, and it can begin to eat away at every area of your life if you don’t take control and put some measures in place to help.
Don’t know what steps to take next, or where to start?
Maybe you’re stuck in rut, exhausted or anxious and struggling to find motivation?
These are all common signs of when you need to think about and work on your resilience.
Resilience is something we have to practice.
Becoming a more resilient person is all in our mindset. Let’s face it, we’ve all had some pretty challenging times over the last couple of years with COVID-19 and the cost-of-living-crisis, and with all the challenges that these have brought with it, both for people in their personal lives and in their work/businesses.
It’s now more important than ever to invest time in thinking about ourselves and what we’re doing and developing ourselves. Believe it or not, we aren’t born with resilience – it’s not a personality trait, it’s something we can all learn and develop at any time in life. Think of it like a muscle!
So, if this resonates with you, then my top tips to start shifting to a more positive and resilient mindset are for you!
Look at your lifestyle choices – Sounds simple, and that’s because it is however, it’s never easy to challenge ourselves, is it? Firstly, look at how you spend your time, who you spend it with, your hobbies. Do these serve you well? Do they perk you up or pull you down?
Often, we get stuck in repeating the same patterns and expecting a different outcome. Here’s the thing, you’ll need to invest in some changes to make change! Ditch anything or anyone that don’t add positive things to your life! Sometimes we just have to take the plunge and have a great big clear out!
Look at your health – Another easier said than done, right?! Explore what exercise do you do, what food you eat, is there a balance? Now, if you’re anything like me, this is an area I have to be super focused on when I’m busy, stressed or anxious as it’s likely to be the first area to slip.
Small changes can make a huge difference and I try to focus on my water intake and sleep first, then add in some meditation and exercise where I can and make healthier food choices. It’s all about the small steps.
Go easy on yourself – We are our own worst critic and that can take its toll on your energy levels. Look to include regular breaks throughout your day, or even some time off if needed. It may not feel like it at the time but recharging those batteries and coming back will make you much more productive! Give yourself praise where it’s due. Why is it we’re so hard on ourselves when it comes to praise?! Think about how you’re speaking to yourself, if you’re saying things to yourself that you wouldn’t to others, it’s time to reframe those thoughts!
Finally, don’t be afraid to reach out for help, we all need support at some time! Speak to colleagues, friends & family or engage with professionals like a coach, GP or therapist. It’s ok to ask for help.
I’m a great believer in fate, if you’re here then reach out and let’s chat to see how I can support you build the confidence and resilience to achieve greater success this year! (link coaching page)