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My Passion

I love helping others succeed!

It brings me huge joy to know that I’ve facilitated and supported people to achieve their goals whilst becoming the best version of themselves. I believe in combining technical and business skills with an emotionally supportive toolkit, including things like EFT, CBT and NLP.

I’ve found that by combining the two aspects, I can offer something really different, something that will really give clients that holistic approach along with a solid foundation when making huge changes in their lives – and it works! It’s how I’ve helped hundreds of clients so far, so it’s a tried and tested method! There’s nothing better than seeing clients blossom, feel more empowered and more than anything, achieve their ultimate success!!

I’ve been working with people for over twenty years now, and I can help you too!

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I’m Krystyna, the Founding Partner of Inspire Excellence, a leading HR, Coaching & Training Consultancy.

I have seen the good, the bad and the ugly when it comes to practices within businesses; whether that’s operational processes, management processes or people processes. Alongside this, I have nurtured my fascination for human behaviour by studying NLP, psychology, CBT and coaching and by becoming a Fellow of the CIPD. I love learning about people, triggers, why we act the way we do and what we can do about things that don’t serve us very well!

I have now combined my knowledge of helping people in business, with these incredibly effective support systems to create free content and my coaching packages and programmes.

“The Problem”

Do you ever question what is holding you back from achieving everything you ever dreamed of?

I’ve seen too many times how a lack of awareness or limiting self-beliefs can affect your ability to achieve any goals that you set yourself. So, in this Masterclass, it’s my mission to help you understand uncertainty, work on your mindset, give you clarity, focus on powerful success strategies, and create a long-term vision. Whatever it is that you want to achieve – this Masterclass is going to teach you success strategies to get you well on your way!!!

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What You’ll Get

The 5 Steps to Re-Programming Your Mind for Success Masterclass is going to really make you think about your mindset and the way that you think about your goals and your career or business!

Together, we’ll delve deep into Uncertainty, Mindset and so much more! We’ll also discuss challenges, obstacles, blockers and then we’ll look at success strategies and the importance of feeling good to help you achieve everything you desire! Sound good?


This Masterclass is designed for only those who are totally committed to up-levelling their lives NOW and who want to live their absolute best life!

It could be that you’re stuck in a rut, it could be that no matter what you do, you just can’t seem to break through that glass ceiling, it might be that you need support and techniques to overcome challenges and obstacles that get thrown your way. We’re all about results here at Inspire Excellence and we want you to make changes from solid foundations, so this Masterclass is all about giving you the basics to do that.

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Just by saying YES! to this FREE Masterclass, you’re already on your way to achieving success!!

Make sure you’re totally ready to commit though – places will be limited so please only sign up if you’re totally committed to showing up on the day and you’re totally committed to making change!

There’s going to be some EPIC offers at the end of the Masterclass, only for those who show up on the day so don’t miss out!

We start at 6.30pm GMT on Thursday 19th November and we’ll be live for around 45 minutes or so.

If you’re ready to Re-Programme Your Mind For Success, sign up here!

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